Israel Learning Center
Israel in Your Own Eyes
About Israel in your Own Eyes
All-in-One Israel Information Digital Platform Project
Since its creation, and even before, the State of Israel has been subject to distortion, misrepresentation, and bias in many political and media discourses as well as some leading academic institutions. As a matter of fact, tens of millions of people cannot afford to visit Israel and have no direct access to basic information about Israel. In particular, Israel’s unique contribution to mankind in a range of fundamental fields is either ignored or understated for lack of accessible and structured knowledge. Israel in your Own Eyes is designed to offer a free-access bridge between Israel and those tens of millions of people through the creation of a cross-disciplinary, comprehensive, and multilingual digital platform providing facts-based highlights on Israel’s history and focus in on its multi-faceted reality.
In other words, it is a vivid audio-visual experience which shows our fantastic country, Israel, in forty different fields! Specifically, our pioneering digital platform is to appear in ten subtitled languages, English, Arabic, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, so that we can address any person across the globe aspiring to capture Israel’s dynamics.
Our main format will be mini-lecture video clips (3 to 5 minutes long) backed by user-friendly scientific documentation (maps, charts, graphs and academic references). The many topics highlighting Israel’s reality in its multiple and intriguing aspects will provide the audience with a comprehensive and easy grasp of a country that has existed for 3,800 years and fascinates people and nations around the globe. Ultimately, the goal of Israel in your Own Eyes is to leverage the power of digital platforms and target – directly, immediately and on a massive scale – an audience that has been thus far untouched by pro-Israel information campaigns. By delivering an up-to-date and video-based pool of encompassing information on Israel’s realities to the widest possible audience worldwide, and avoiding any political controversy or ideology, we aim to trigger the grassroots.
Israel Learning Center
Legal structure
Registered association (Jerusalem, Israel).
Target audience
All audiences interested in knowing the different aspects of Israel, its past, present and future. Elementary and secondary schools. Universities. Enterprises and organizations. Professional associations. Religious organizations and denominations.
Wide range of speakers
Academics, practitioners, and specialists from Israel or other countries offering their cutting-edge expertise on Israeli reality in their respective fields of practice.
The videoclips shall be subtitled or dubbed in ten languages
English, Arabic, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean for broadcast on the Israel Learning Center website either offline or in the future on a MOOC platform.
Main topics
Geography and Geology of Israel
Sociology, Demography and Health Systems
Population of Israel
Women in Israel
The Family in Israel
The different religious groups in Israel
Education in Israel
Integration of Immigrants
The Youth in Israel
Israel’s Economy
The Political Structure of the State of Israel
Ancient History of Israel: Biblical Times of the Patriarchs to Kingship
From Kingship to the Destruction of the Two Temples of Jerusalem
The Prophets of Israel
The Exile During 2000 Years
The Land of Israel from 135 to 1895
The Return of Israel since the beginning of the 18th Century
The Fulfillment of the Prophecies
The Return of Israel and the Modern Era
Modern Zionism
The 20th-century international decisions that led to the creation of the State of Israel
Independence of Israel
Military History and the Wars of Israel
Agriculture and Agronomy; the Kibbutz and Moshav World
Water and Energy
Research, Progress, and Contribution to Humanity
Nature, Ecology and Sustainable Development
Science and Technology in Israel; Space Research
Israel’s Breakthroughs in Military and Security Fields
Israel’s Breakthroughs in scientific, technological, and Medical Fields
Civil Resilience
Art and Creation in Israel
Support us
Support ISRAEL LEARNING CENTER efforts to create genuine and expert knowledge "Made in Israel" for tens of millions of people worldwide about Israel’s reality and to fight bias information.
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Israeli Registered Association# 580710002
Design & Development by Hanna Sultan