Israel Learning Center
Israel in Your Own Eyes
In construction
Israel Learning Center
A Pioneering Process-oriented Knowledge Digital Platform of Mass Communication
Israel Learning Center – ILC presents the face of the State of Israel, its reality and achievements, to a wide audience across the globe in forty different fields and ten languages. It is an innovative digital platform that includes a wide variety of topics relating to the State of Israel and forms an invaluable audiovisual encyclopedic source.
Each field includes a series of dozens of video clips, averaging four minutes each, with graphs and built-in information in the background. Every clip comes with an English transcript of the lecture and subtitles in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Russian, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.
The different fields include: geography, history, archaeology, demography, sociology, woman and the family in Israel, youth, education, economics, agriculture and agronomy, water and energy, basic and applied research, progress, ecology and sustainability, military and security, civil resilience, Israel’s breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine, and Israel’s contribution to mankind, and more.
We aim to present the face of the State of Israel, its reality and achievements, to tens of millions of people around the world in a comprehensive, accessible and structured manner, and provide a bridge to Israel through a uniquely accessible and enriching approach. The project is purely informative and is in no way political, ideological or religious in nature. It is based on verified and reliable information with an emphasis on processes that have begun hundreds of years ago and are continuing strongly, explaining the central position which the State of Israel holds in the world today.
Israel Learning Center – ILC adopts a uniquely sophisticated soft power approach that aims to disseminate key knowledge about Israel in all its dimensions to tens of millions of people worldwide. Our approach abides by today’s highest academic and technological standards. Most of the lecturers are Israeli academics, experts, industrialists, CEOs, people from kibbutzim and moshavim, researchers, professional travel guides, and so forth.
This cutting-edge project on Israel is defined as an important, or even a “State project”, by prominent personalities and academics.
Israel Learning Center

Israeli Registered Association# 580710002
Design & Development by Hanna Sultan